Every maintained school must publish specific information on its website to comply with The School Information (England) (Amendment) Regulations 2012.

If you are an academy or free school, you need to check your funding agreement to find out what you should publish on your website.

School contact details

Your school’s website must include the following contact information:

  • your school’s name
  • your school’s postal address
  • your school’s telephone number
  • the name of the member of staff who deals with queries from parents and other members of the public

Admission arrangements

You must do one of the following:

  • publish your school’s admission arrangements, explaining how you will consider applications for every age group, including:
  • arrangements you have in place for selecting the pupils who apply
  • your oversubscription criteria (how you offer places if there are more applicants than places)
  • an explanation of the process parents need to follow if they want to apply for their child to attend your school
  • publish details of how parents can find out about your school’s admission arrangements through your local authority
  • Ofsted reports

You must do one of the following:

  • publish a copy of your school’s most recent Ofsted report
  • publish a link to the webpage where users can find your school’s most recent Ofsted report

Exam and assessment results

Key stage 2 (KS2) results

You must publish the following details from your school’s most recent KS2 results:

  • percentage of pupils who achieved level 4 or above in reading, writing and maths
  • percentage of pupils who have improved by 2 or more levels in reading, writing and maths between key stage 1 (KS1) and KS2
  • percentage of pupils who achieved level 5 or above in reading and writing
  • percentage of pupils who achieved level 5 or above in maths

Key stage 4 (KS4) results

You must publish the following details from your school’s most recent KS4 results:

Performance tables

You must include a link to the DfE school performance tables website.


You must publish the following information about your school’s curriculum:

  • the content of the curriculum your school follows in each academic year for every subject
  • the names of any phonics or reading schemes you are using in KS1
  • a list of the courses available to pupils at KS4, including GCSEs
  • how parents or other members of the public can find out more about the curriculum your school is following

Behaviour policy

You should publish details of your school’s behaviour policy.

The policy must comply with section 89 of the Education and Inspections Act 2006.

Advice on developing and publishing your school’s behaviour policy is available.

Pupil premium

You must publish details of how your school spends its pupil premium funding and the effect this has had on the attainment of the pupils who attract the funding.

You must include the following:

  • your pupil premium allocation for the current academic year
  • details of how you intend to spend your allocation
  • details of how you spent your previous academic year’s allocation
  • how it made a difference to the attainment of disadvantaged pupils

The funding is allocated for each financial year, but the information you publish online should refer to the academic year, as this is how parents and the general public understand the school year.

As allocations will not be known for the latter part of the academic year (April to July), you should report on the funding up to the end of the financial year and update it when you have all the figures.

Year 7 literacy and numeracy catch-up premium

If your school receives year 7 literacy and numeracy catch-up premium funding, you must publish details of how your school spends this funding and the effect this has had on the attainment of the pupils who attract it.

You must include the following:

  • your year 7 literacy and numeracy catch-up premium allocation for the current academic year
  • details of how you intend to spend your allocation
  • details of how you spent your previous academic year’s allocation
  • how it made a difference to the attainment of the pupils who attract the funding

PE and sport premium for primary schools

If your school receives PE and sport premium funding, you must publish details of how your school spends this funding and the effect it has had on pupils’ PE and sport participation and attainment.

You must include the following:

  • your PE and sport premium allocation for the current academic year
  • details of how you intend to spend your allocation
  • details of how you spent your previous academic year’s allocation
  • how it made a difference to the PE and sport participation and attainment of the pupils who attract the funding

Special educational needs (SEN) report

If your school is a maintained school, then your governing body must publish a report on the school’s policy for pupils with SEN.

The report must comply with:

The report must include details of:

  • your school’s admission arrangements for pupils with SEN or disabilities
  • the steps you have taken to prevent pupils with SEN from being treated less favourably than other pupils
  • access facilities for pupils with SEN
  • the accessibility plan your governing body has written in compliance with paragraph 3 of schedule 10 to the Equality Act 2010

Charging and remissions policies

You must publish your school’s charging and remissions policies. The policies must include details of:

  • the activities or cases for which your school will charge pupils’ parents
  • the circumstances where your school will make an exception on a payment you would normally expect to receive under your charging policy

Values and ethos

Your website should include a statement of your school’s ethos and values.

Requests for copies

If a parent requests a paper copy of the information on your school’s website, you must provide this free of charge.